Application Board
Table of contents
게시판 폴더 만들고 설정
새로운 프로젝트 생성
라이브러리 모두 가져오기
데이터베이스 생성
- board_member 테이블 생성
create table board_member(
member_id varchar(15),
member_pw varchar(13),
member_name varchar(20),
member_age int,
member_gender varchar(5),
member_email varchar(30),
primary key(member_id)
- board 테이블 생성
create table board(
board_num int,
board_name varchar(20) not null,
board_pass varchar(15) not null,
board_subject varchar(50) not null,
board_content varchar(2000) not null,
board_file varchar(50),
board_re_ref int not null,
board_re_lev int not null,
board_re_seq int not null,
board_readcount int default 0,
board_date date,
primary key(board_num)
유저를 localhost로 만드는 방법
create user 'scott'@'localhost' identified by 12345; //내부망에서 접근하는 유져
create user 'scott'@'%' identified by 12345; //외부망에서 접근하는 유져
grant all privileges on *.* to 'scott'@'localhost';
grant all privileges on *.* to 'scott'@'%';
create table board(
board_num int,
board_name varchar(20) not null,
board_pass varchar(15) not null,
board_subject varchar(50) not null,
board_content varchar(2000) not null,
board_file varchar(50) not null,
board_re_ref int not null,
board_re_lev int not null,
board_re_seq int not null,
board_readcount int default 0,
board_date date,
primary key(board_num)
select * from board;
update board set board_readcount = board_readcount + 1 where board_num = 1;
select max(board_num) from board;
delete from board;
delimiter //
begin not atomic
declare i int default 1;
while(i <= 1001) do
insert into board(board_num, board_name, board_pass, board_subject, board_content,
board_file, board_re_ref, board_re_lev, board_re_seq, board_readcount, board_date)
values(i, concat('작성자_',i), '1', concat('메시지제목_', i), concat('메시지내용_', i), '', i, 0, 0, 0, curdate());
set i = i + 1;
end while;