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List & Table

Table of contents

  1. List basic
    1. What is list?
    2. Features of List
    3. Basic form of list
  2. List elements
    1. <ol>
    2. <ul>
    3. <dl>
  3. Table basic
    1. What is table?
    2. Basic form of table
  4. Table elements
    1. <table>
    2. <tr>
    3. <th>
    4. <td>
    5. <caption>
  5. Table Accessibility

List basic

What is list?

목차를 만드는 태그

Features of List

▸ Can be nested

▸ 다른 요소들을 포함할 수 있음

▸ 웹 접근성을 위해 네비게이션처럼 동일항목이 2개이상 중복된다면 거의 다 쓰인다

Basic form of list

* Ordered list

* Unordered list

* Description List
  <dd>- black hot drink</dd>
  <dd>- white cold drink</dd>

List elements


Ordered list

  • type attribute : define the numbering type (1, A, a, I, i)

  • start attribute : control list counting

      <ol start="50">
      <ol type="I" start="50">


Unordered list



Description Lists

  • <dl> : description list

  • <dt> : defines a term

  • <dd> : describes the term

  <dd>- black hot drink</dd>
  <dd>- white cold drink</dd>

Table basic

What is table?

표를 만드는 테그

▸ 문법 []안에는 속성값, >뒤에는 하위값, *개수, +동일 항목 더하기

Basic form of table

<table style="width:100%">

Table elements


  • attribute

    ▸ border

    ▸ cellpadding

    ▸ cellspacing

    ▸ bgcolor

    ▸ width


table row(열)

  • attribute

    ▸ height

    ▸ bgcolor

    ▸ align


table header

▸ 기본 CSS : bold, centered

  • attribute : td attribute과 동일


table data/cell

▸ can contain all sorts of HTML elements; text, images, lists, other tables, etc.

▸ 기본 CSS : regular, left-aligned

  • attribute

    ▸ width

    ▸ height

    ▸ bgcolor

    ▸ align (left, center, right)

    ▸ valign (top, middle, bottom)

    ▸ colspan

    ▸ rowspan


caption to a table


The caption tag must be inserted immediately after the table tag

Table Accessibility

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